Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is The End Coming But They Don't Want To Tell US?

I don't know I am not omniscient, but some interesting coincidences are converging in the last few years to make me want to look into the possibility.
In the past few years it seems those in power and the wealthy have become increasingly callous and disregarding of anyone not of their class. Indeed politicians and the wealthy of ALL persuasion seem to be making a conscience effort to decimating the lower classes now before a big extinction event. Gone are the grand ideals that ALL Men (should be changed to Sentient Beings) are Created Equal and we should care for our fellow (Sentient Beings) Man. Now we have politicians screaming that the other side are doing the exact destructive and self-protectionist actions that both sides are claiming; (death panels, removal of financial and medical assistance, War, and cannibalization of the Earth) and pointing fingers at each other while the rest of us starve, drown, freeze, burn, and die.
A few examples for you:
Massive financial deregulation and corporate accountability leading to the concentration of wealth to the detriment of the rest of society. What are they doing with all this wealth?
Stripping of rights and protections of We The People from the Constitution by the Patriot Act.
Massive communication and propaganda control (control of the Media) concentrated and usurped for a single Fascist political view...
Political commentators turning into Televangelists...for example Glenn Beck.
Politicians disregarding constituents for their own power and wealth of their friends...for example Jan Brewer. Arizona receives 200 million in stimulus money but won't disclose where the money is and what she has used it for? At the same time she cuts a paltry 2.3 Million that was used for in state Medical Medicaid payments for individuals that need life saving medical services? And yet, its the Republicans and Jan Brewer that scream the loudest that the Democrats want to create Death Panels...
Yucca Mountain Nuclear storage facility being converted into a 10,000 person emergency shelter...But for whom?
Massive unexplained species die offs. Birds, Fish. Sea Mammals, Salamanders, Spiders,
Disappearance of almost ALL small salamanders and some frog species which are highly sensitive to environmental and climatic changes.
Unpredicted Increase in Seismic and Volcanic activity Globally.
Increase in Climatic Change events causing famine and drought in some areas while other areas are receiving the worst snows and flooding in history...think Sudan, Indonesia, Australia anyone?
Melting North Polar Ice Cap and run-away CO2 releases from the sea floors.
These events are calculated to occur and increase in frequency for the next 7 years due to the focal alignment of our Sun to the Galactic Center (Massive Black Hole at the Center of our Galaxy) causing enhanced Neutrino-Gamma ray bursts that pass through our upper atmosphere heating our Earths Core and in turn; speeding up the movement and migration in the Earths magma and shifting magnetic poles relative locations. These random bursts will be cooking us indiscriminately till the big Yellowstone eruption in possibly 2012...Or maybe we will be spared for another 28,000 years and experience the greatest evolution in Humanity...We can only hope.
The Mayans gave us the clues all we had to do is a little basic Geological and Astral-calculations to find out that Yellowstone's massive eruptions occur every 644,000 to 672,000 years which coincidentally is mathematically constant with a 28000 galactic center alignment times 23-24 permutation which puts us at that occurrence in a direct relational alignment with all our planets on the left or right of a direct path from Galactic Center (Massive Black Hole) to the planet Earth. This can potentially causes a Magnification effect that cooks our planets Core...Through Enhanced Neutrino-Gamma Ray particles. Before you go calling horse pucky try begging the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab to check my planetary perturbations and tell the world that my calculations have no validity...I bet they can :)
It's just pretty coincidental stuff when you play with math...
Mayan calendar and tracking Galactic center every 28000 years.
Mathematical formula from Geological evidence for Yellowstone eruption frequency. 644,000-672,000 years
Galactic rotation to Solar (Black Hole) Center alignment 28000 years
Planetary rotation around the sun 23 hours .56 mins .4 sec
Yellowstone eruption variable every 28000 X 23 - 24 Galactic rotations/permutations.
last eruption estimated approximately 642000 years ago.
616,000 year eruption 22 x 28000
644,000 year eruption 23 x 28000
659,680 year eruption 23.56 x 28000
672,000 year eruption 24 X 28000
Magnetic Polar migration and total swap every 14 Galactic Permutations...
You can pray and attribute everything to God if you like.
Me I believe in God as the initial Creator of all things (Big Bang) but I also believe in the Science of Geology and Mathematics. It seems to my understanding that we have been given 640,000+ years to develop and evolve, sadly I fear none will survive the coming Extinction Event. That includes the wealthy hiding in their holes in the ground or under the sea.
Or maybe I should just put this bottle of Jack down and go to sleep.

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