Monday, January 23, 2012

Possible Solution to Boko Haram Crisis.

I remember, in those days a man called Oze. He lived in the small hut left for him by his uncle in the Village of Udomi Uwessan. Uwessan is made up of 8 Villages.

He informed everybody that he was specially made god of stone to instill discipline in the people of Uwessan. He wanted everybody to turn away from their gods and follow his. He had followers though, who were also ready to die for his course.

He was very powerful. His might was known and respected by both his age group, older men and all. Warriors feared him.
Although he is not particularly short, he was less than six feet and bulky. Rumour had it that he had one bone, meaning he was a physical giant.

If he hits you or you hit him, you get injured. He was like a stone.

One day, Oze fell out with the son of a renowned herbalist. As usual, when Oze and his followers were done with him, his face could barely be recognised. They burnt down his house and made him homeless.
Of course, the elders and Village heads were too frightened and witless to discuss Oze. They made secret treaty with Oze's relatives with the hope that they would speak well of such elder or village head.
However, the 8 Village herbalists who were Still faithful to their gods summoned up courage and gathered to find solution on how to curtail the Might and excesses of Oze and his followers.

The herbalists cried out to their gods and their gods heard their voices and was moved with compassion that he sent great affliction on Oze and even his supporters. Oze was struck with terminal ailments, his body withered and his might collapsed, gradually, Oze and his supporters died out.

Today, Boko Haram terrorises innocent Nigerians with bombs and all sort of weapons. They have directed almost all their attacks on Christians , killing scores of heaven seekers faithful. Even, some prominent Christian leaders called on Christians in the Boko Haram zones to defend themselves.

I think, as the bible says, the battle is the Lord. The church or, like the 8 village herbalists, the heads and prayer warriors in all the churches nation wide should cry to the their God for divine intervention against Boko Haram menaces. I believe, like the days of Biblical Moses, Joshua and even David, All Mighty God will personally rout Boko Haram out of our land. Unless God All Mighty no longer listens or they are false prophets.

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